
Secondary Middle Years 6-10

Walford Anglican School for Girls

Entry Requirements

Course Details

During Years 6-9, students will study a core of subjects that include English, Science, Mathematics, Humanities, the Arts (Drama, Visual Arts and Music), Health and Physical Education, Chinese/French, and Digital and Design Technologies.

Further to the core subjects, Middle School students undertake an exciting array of electives that have real-life application. These include business start-ups, philosophy (ways of thinking and knowing) and community service learning projects.

Each phase of the Middle School journey is underpinned by the concept of Her Voice, a thread woven through both curriculum and pastoral care learning activities. This knits together the classroom activities with key social and emotional developments relevant for each age and stage. Each Walford student emerges from the Middle School having grown as a young person ready to take on the challenges of her senior schooling years.

Wellbeing underpins all learning and permeates every aspect of School and life. The ecosystem of the Middle School ensures that teachers and pastoral leaders wrap around each student, and work in partnership with parents, to help each student to be organised, confident, kind and courageous in her choices. Walford’s responsive pastoral care programming creates space for our mentor teachers to deliver relevant content and support student’s development of skills. Our wellbeing framework is thoughtfully and intentionally crafted providing challenging and rewarding opportunities for learning and growth.

Each girl who enters the Middle School has her own Mentor who supports, guides and encourages her academic and personal growth. She sees her Mentor every day and is assisted to maintain a healthy, achievable schedule, develop her study habits and be encouraged to participate in the myriad experiences available to her within and beyond the classroom in a balanced way.

Mentors work in partnership with the Heads of House, School Counsellor, Wellbeing Coordinator and the Heads of School to provide a ‘wrap around’ approach that supports the emotional needs of students during these fundamental years.

Unique and central to Walford’s wellbeing framework is our Student Wellbeing Committee. This committee of student representatives from across all year levels, works closely with the School’s wellbeing professionals to co-create the content of the formal wellbeing program, ensuring that the topics covered are responsive to the real life needs of students at any given time. The School engages psychologists and key experts throughout the year to ensure that the topics explored are grounded in evidence based research.

In addition to their teacher Mentors, all students in Years 6 and 7 and new Year 8 and 9 students each have a peer support leader, an older girl in the School who is trained to provide support and encouragement that helps to build the confidence of their younger peers.

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Level of Study: Junior Secondary Studies

Duration: 260 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 065777B

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$34,000.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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